My Road Test was in the Snow!

Did you know that the first time I drove in snow was for my Road Test!?!?! I passed too and boy oh boy was it scary!! I didn't even use my car! But the school's that I got a couple lessons from.

I'm SO glad THAT'S over, and that I don't have to worry about taking anymore tests! The only test that awaits me now is the one of Motherhood, but that's not for a couple more years, thank goodness! (or is it thank GOD?!?!? yes I suppose He IS the one I should be thanking hereand by saying thank goodness I'm sort of acknowledging God by thanking His Spirit. I think!!!)

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Goodness? Have you ever thought about that word before in the context of the Holy Spirit? I have often wondered if the expression "Oh my Goodness" is just as bad as "Oh my God", because Goodness IS one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit!!! And the Bible does say, do not blasphemy by Heaven or by Earth. (and people, I am not talking about "praying" here, ONLY expression! I know I've heard people justify the "expression" with something along the lines of: "I'm praying". It's different if you are praying of course, and I guess only God WOULD know that, but still is the tone in which you say these three words THAT important as a Christian?)

What are your thoughts on this? Is the expression: "Oh my Goodness" or "Oh my God" ok to say as a Christian?!?!? If so, Why? or if not, Why not?

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Posted in Movies_Television Post Date 10/29/2019






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