To My Son Who Gave With His Heart ~ Reader Post

You loved with all you had

From a Reader: I would send a message to my son who we lost 4 years ago to a terminal illness. He was 27. I would tell him how much I missed him and his smile and beautiful eyes and the sound of his voice and his hugs. And tell him him how proud I am to be his mom.

That you gave me an amazing 27 years and I thank you for that. And for showing me what it means to love others no matter their differences. You gave your shoes and coat and shirt off your feet and back more times that I could count.

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You touched more life's than you can ever imagine and you are loved and missed so much by me and so many others who had the pleasure of knowing you. Till we meet again my dear son. I love you to eternity and back. ~ KF

I could begin to imagine the pain one feels when a child is gone before them. Your words and love are an inspiration to us all.

Bless you,


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Posted in Movies_Television Post Date 10/19/2019






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